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Track Software awarded Techstart funding

Richard Barbour

Track Software, a Belfast-based startup specialising in document management software has been selected as one of ten recipients of the most recent round of £10,000 ‘Proof of Concept’ grants from Techstart Ventures.

The grant is intended to help fund early-stage businesses in Northern Ireland, allowing them to explore the viability and commercial potential of their innovative concepts. The programme, now in its eighth year, is the biggest of its kind on the island of Ireland and has helped more than 400 businesses to validate their ideas and business plans.

“We are thrilled to have been chosen as one of the recipients of this grant” said Kyle Davidson, co-founder of Track Software.” This grant will help us to accelerate our efforts to bring clarity and safety to IT sprawl, making it easier for teams to collaborate and retain control of their documents.”

Track Software enhances pre-existing document management systems such as Microsoft 365, Google Workspaces and Box. It aims to empower business users to optimise productivity and retain control when collaborating. By streamlining workspace setup, and repeatable templates for consistent filing, Track Software has a number of USPs in the market stemming from a unique approach to security and document access.

“With more than ten years each in the industry, we’ve seen the problems associated with Document Management first hand with so many customers and partners. This spurred us on to come up with an innovative, time saving solution that improves user experience and is accessible for businesses of all shapes and sizes.’ Said Richard Barbour, Co-Founder.

This grant will help us take Track Software to the next level, enabling us to continue to build a platform that empowers business users to collaborate effectively and efficiently,” added Kyle.

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