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Implementing OAuth 2.0 in Power Automate Custom Connectors: A Step-By-Step Guide

Kyle Davidson

Are you facing challenges building a Generic OAuth 2 Custom Connector in Power Automate? You’re not alone. With limited documentation and examples few and far between, securing power automate connectors with OAuth 2 can be daunting. In this guide, we’ll walk through creating a generic OAuth 2 Custom Connector in Power Automate. Although our implementation at Track uses the widely-adopted Auth0 for authentication, these principles are generally applicable to any OAuth 2 provider.


To help you follow along, ensure you have:

  1. Basic understanding of OAuth 2
  2. Access to your Microsoft Power Automate account
  3. Credentials from your authentication provider

Creating a Custom Connector

Initial Setup

Firstly, navigate to Power Automate and initiate the process to create a new Custom Connector. You’ll need to enter two essential pieces of information:

  1. Host: This is the domain where your protected service is hosted, e.g.
  2. Base URL: This is the root path for your API calls, e.g. /v1.

Security Configuration

Proceed to set up the security parameters for your Custom Connector. Choose the Generic OAuth 2 option for Auth0 or any other provider that’s not readily available.

Your OAuth 2 provider will provide you with a Client ID and Client Secret. For Auth0, these can be found within your application’s settings. Additionally, you need to configure the authorization, token, and refresh URLs as specified by your OAuth 2 provider. In the case of Auth0, these would be:

  1. Authorization URL: https://<your-domain>
  2. Token URL: https://<your-domain>
  3. Refresh URL: https://<your-domain>

To enable automatic token refreshing, you should specify offline_access as a scope. For Auth0, make sure Allow Offline Access is enabled in your API settings.

If you want your connector to automatically refresh tokens, you will need to set offline_access in the scope field to ensure the authorization server returns a refresh token that your connector can use. Additionally, in the case of Auth0, you need to ensure that your API has the Allow Offline Access toggle enabled in the settings.

Additional Parameters

Generally, you may also want to pass custom parameters to the authorize endpoint, such as for configuring the audience claim for JWT validation. There are a number of ways to do this:

Implementing a Tenant-Aware Authorization Endpoint

Track is designed as a multi-tenant solution that integrates with organisations through enterprise logins. To direct users to the correct Auth0 /authorize endpoint, we developed a Tenant-Aware Authorization Endpoint. This acts as a dynamic proxy, enriching the authorization process by identifying the user’s organisation. This allows us to provide additional parameters to the Auth0 /authorize endpoint which ultimately directs the user to the correct enterprise login screen.

Troubleshooting Your Custom COnnector

Some common issues and resolutions you may encounter when testing your Custom Connector are:

State Mismatch

Power Automate provides a state parameter to your authorization url, which is used to prevent CSRF attacks. If the same state value is not returned back to Power Automate in the redirect URL, you will receive a connection error. Some OAuth 2 providers, such as Auth0, will provide SDK libraries that attach additional values to the state parameter, or encode the state parameter in a specific way before it is sent to the /authorize endpoint. You will need to ensure that the state parameter is returned in the redirect URL in the same format as it was sent by Power Automate.

Invalid Redirect URI

Power Automate provides a redirect_uri parameter to your authorization url, which typically must be configured with your auth provider as an allowed callback url in order to prevent Open Redirect Attacks. If the same redirect_uri value is not returned in the redirect URL to Power Automate, you will receive a connection error.

JWT Validation

If you are performing tests on the Power Automate UI, you may notice a window like this:

Note that if you were to decode this JWT on, you would see that the aud claim is set to or similar. This is because Power Automate is using the Azure Management API to perform it’s request to your service. This JWT is not the token which your API will recieve, the tokens for your connection are stored under the hood and retrieved by Power Automate when it makes a request to your API. A small but important detail to be aware of.

Final Thoughts and Next Steps

Congratulations, you’ve successfully set up a secure OAuth 2.0 Custom Connector in Power Automate. Through this guide, we’ve covered the specifics of setting up a Custom Connector in Power Automate, and some advanced configurations like creating a Tenant-Aware Authorization Endpoint, particularly useful for multi-tenant applications like Track.

Implementing Generic OAuth 2.0 in Power Automate Custom Connectors can be challenging. However, with the correct approach and understanding, you can significantly improve the security and efficiency of your Power Automate workflows.

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Thank you for reading, and happy automating

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